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الازمات وفن صناعتها - بقلم الكاتب / طارق فايز العجاوى 170548925725661

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منتـديات مكتـــوب الاستراتيجية للبحث العلمي MAKTOOB
الازمات وفن صناعتها - بقلم الكاتب / طارق فايز العجاوى 170548925725661
منتـديات مكتـــوب الاستراتيجية للبحث العلمي MAKTOOB
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الازمات وفن صناعتها - بقلم الكاتب / طارق فايز العجاوى

2 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

الازمات وفن صناعتها - بقلم الكاتب / طارق فايز العجاوى Empty الازمات وفن صناعتها - بقلم الكاتب / طارق فايز العجاوى

مُساهمة من طرف طارق فايز العجاوى الإثنين أكتوبر 15, 2012 11:30 am

اشكر المؤسسة الامريكية ( العالم الذى نريد ) - طارق فايز العجاوى

Peace Patriots A google translation: Tariq Ajawi
" ((art industry crises))
By Writer / / Tareq Fayez Ajaoy
When the victors legacy section of the Ottoman Empire after World War I to the states and the UAE .... Etc. created between Ka two of them enough problem to the province and works for at least a century and over time, which enjoys the victors Britain, France ........ Etc. comfortable and leave the other in case of dispute and conflict
Between Iran and Turkey, Iraq and Syria have created the problem of the Kurds and between Iran and Iraq, created a problem Arabistan and between India and Pakistan created the Kashmir problem and there are a lot of problems and Sagna some crises on but not limited to
The fact it was possible for Britain and France if it were not for their bad faith to create trouble and problems for those countries that It is a map of the division of the area mini-state for the Kurds in order to have avoided the evil of all those crises and problems that are well known to one, but their understanding of the nature of the Kurdish people and its combat excellence made them afraid if it was a Kurdish state to them that renewed them the spirit of Saladin and re glory glorious and Boukbuthm usual, which is not described and distributed Kurdish four countries to be able to plan to invest their strengths and abilities combat and directed against any country of the four countries at a time should they see fit to create dissension and problems and growing instability Lai the state and thus created a problem with Iran and the Kurds again with Iraq and a third with Turkey and this fact Didnhm and wickedness eclipse which has become exposed no secret

Did not stop policy making and create crises and problems at this point has been creating neutral zone between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and I'm in my view is not ripe role invested after was creating a problem Hawar Islands between Qatar and Bahrain and the problem of open borders between Qatar and Saudi Arabia and the problem of islands of Greater and Lesser between Iran and the United Arab Emirates and the problem of overlapping and non- and clarity of the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia We already know what happened in Yemen and created İskenderun problem between Turkey and Syria this عداك overlap the border between the United Arab Emirates with each other and with Oman on the other hand, and her story is not unknown to one

The hump industry crises are planted Israel in the Arab body has been enough to enter the region as a whole in this instability عداك for separate Arab body for each other and I mean here in Asia, Africa
In Africa created Halaib problem between Sudan and Egypt, and the problem of Western Sahara between Algeria and Morocco
The third Alathavy find the Arab League in order - a fact that they wanted them wrong - respect for each country of the limits of other, non-interference in the internal affairs of other words to dedicate this division and prevent the establishment of any kind of unity - and the way some Arab writers which incidentally my teacher (Dr. Aziz Shukri) in book Courses was in my study, a (public international law) explained that the idea of the establishment of the League of Arab States is the idea of purely English

To a greater role of the role of the Arab League established the League of Nations and then followed by the United Nations and which provides its that its General Assembly, which is increasing the number of its member not expired in decision-making while developed powers in the hands of five major states in the Security Council either technical organizations affiliated to the UN pays There is no sin such as WHO, education, culture, science, agriculture they are all targeted and controlled by the superpowers and if it fails these forces in control of any of them, as happened to the Education, Culture and Science, the great powers to withdraw and the intersection of this organization and prevent them funding as much as possible and many examples are not numerous to mention This applies to the rest of the organizations I mean the technical body of the Health and Agriculture and وووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو etc.

As for changing the meaning of the terms and spoke no sin has Edjllona endless maze and have opposite concepts so we are in dire need of a dictionary to monitor those terms and determine the meaning reversed its intended Here are some examples /
****** Term educational curricula and means fact disarmament generations of belonging to their heritage and brainwashed
***** World Trade Organization (WTO) which is devoted to monopolize the world markets for companies and the big powers
***** Liberalization of trade and markets, and I mean really open world markets for their products and goods forcibly
***** Gender is encouraging homosexuality in all its forms
***** Liberation of peoples which, in fact, the occupation of peoples and plunder its resources
***** Terrorism is, in fact, resistance to occupation
***** Globalization and the new world order which is adapted and subdue the world for a single system and the imposition of a particular culture
***** Commitment to human rights is the fact that the defense of group customers were arrested
And there are a lot of terms do not want to go into it and really going

I have in mind and we are in this regard is what the world is like George Bernard Shaw beard and Vertical abundance in production and poor distribution of world produces enough but there are plans for this world creates his problems and let him live in constant worry - Ends words of George Bernard Shaw -
I also recall what the English officer with respect to overlap the border between the United Arab Emirates with each other and with Oman, a story is obvious to one he said, contemplating the map painted and malicious smile on his lips (
I doubt whether there was one in the world can be worked by the worst of this) --- imagine my God Raak - was saying in English, specifically
Vtenbhoa and Astfikoa O Arabs has sunk behind in the quagmire of ignorance and dependency obnoxious and we have become a feather in the wind
*** The God of the intent behind
Author / / Tareq Fayez Ajaoy
اشكر المؤسسة العالمية الامريكية ( العالم الذى نريد ) على ترجمتها موضوعى (( الازمات وفن صناعتها )) للكاتب والمفكر // طارق فايز العجاوى
والقادم اجمل
طارق فايز العجاوى
طارق فايز العجاوى
♞ باحث ♞
♞ باحث ♞
جائزه تسجيل للعام 10 اعوام
جائزه المواضيع المميزه
جائزة الاعضاء كتاب المواضيع

عدد الرسائل : 47
الابراج : السمك القط
احترام القانون : الازمات وفن صناعتها - بقلم الكاتب / طارق فايز العجاوى 69583210
نقاط : 6739
السٌّمعَة : 10
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/10/2011
ذكر الازمات وفن صناعتها - بقلم الكاتب / طارق فايز العجاوى 0012

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الازمات وفن صناعتها - بقلم الكاتب / طارق فايز العجاوى Empty رد: الازمات وفن صناعتها - بقلم الكاتب / طارق فايز العجاوى

مُساهمة من طرف ♔ اَلَملَكهَ بَلَقَيــس♔ الثلاثاء أكتوبر 16, 2012 8:55 am

Rolling Eyes
♔ اَلَملَكهَ بَلَقَيــس♔
♔ اَلَملَكهَ بَلَقَيــس♔
♔ السمو الملكي ♔
♔ السمو الملكي ♔
جائزه تسجيل للعام 10 اعوام
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تاج 100 موضوع
تاج المواضيع
جائزه المواضيع امميزه
عدد المشاركات بالمواضيع المميزه
وسام التميز
جائزه التميز

عدد الرسائل : 3256
العمل/الترفيه : /لـآ شَي أوجَع منْ الحَنينْ ..~
الابراج : الاسد الحصان
الموقع : هوَ يشَبِه السّعادَةَ ؛ كلِ ماَ فكَرت فيَه ابتسَم !*
احترام القانون : الازمات وفن صناعتها - بقلم الكاتب / طارق فايز العجاوى 69583210
المزاج : ♡༽رفُُقُُآ بًًنِِبًًض قُُلََبًًيََ༼♡
نقاط : 56472
السٌّمعَة : 43
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/02/2008
تعاليق : الحب يزهر إذ التقينا بما يجمعنا لا بما يعجبنا !
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