منتـديات مكتـــوب الاستراتيجية للبحث العلمي MAKTOOB
Is it possible to obtain an IELTS certificate without a test? 170548925725661

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منتـديات مكتـــوب الاستراتيجية للبحث العلمي MAKTOOB
Is it possible to obtain an IELTS certificate without a test? 170548925725661
منتـديات مكتـــوب الاستراتيجية للبحث العلمي MAKTOOB
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

Is it possible to obtain an IELTS certificate without a test?

اذهب الى الأسفل

Is it possible to obtain an IELTS certificate without a test? Empty Is it possible to obtain an IELTS certificate without a test?

مُساهمة من طرف n789 الثلاثاء أغسطس 06, 2024 12:02 pm

Is it possible to obtain an IELTS certificate without a test? Is_it_11Getting an IELTS certificate without a test is not possible, as the IELTS exam system relies on an accurate and comprehensive assessment of English language skills through official tests, so it is important to ensure the validity of the IELTS certificate obtained.

Here are some points that highlight the importance and conditions for obtaining an IELTS certificate:
1. The necessity of an official exam
  • Accredited assessment: The IELTS system is designed to assess listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills through official exams conducted in accredited centers.
  • Reliability: To ensure the credibility of the certificate, an IELTS certificate cannot be obtained without a test, as the applicants' abilities are verified objectively.

2. Exam stages
  • Listening: Listening ability is assessed through an exam that takes about 30 minutes.
  • Reading: Reading skill is assessed through an exam that lasts 60 minutes.
  • Writing: The writing skill assessment includes two sections that are completed in 60 minutes.
  • Speaking: Speaking skills are assessed through an interview lasting between 11 and 14 minutes.

3. Academic and Professional Importance
  • Universities and Institutions: Universities, academic and professional institutions rely on IELTS test results to determine the level of English language of applicants.
  • Immigration and Visas: Many countries require an IELTS certificate for immigration or for obtaining study and work visas.

4. Approved Centers

  • Testing: IELTS certificate cannot be obtained without an official test conducted in centers approved by the exam supervisors.
  • Security and Integrity: Approved centers ensure integrity and security in conducting exams to ensure fair assessment.
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عدد الرسائل : 236
الابراج : الثور القط
احترام القانون : Is it possible to obtain an IELTS certificate without a test? 69583210
نقاط : 925
السٌّمعَة : 10
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/02/2024
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